11 june 2024 1682

The business incubator "Engineers of the Future" has started

The business incubator "Engineers of the Future" has started

On June 5, "Engineers of the Future" business incubator started. The given incubator is conducted owing to KazNRTU Project Management Institute named after Turkebayev jointly with "International Centre of Advanced Education" and "MOST Business Intelligence". For a whole month, the experienced coaches, experts and business coaches will help 30 cool teams grow their ideas to MVP. Teams with ready-made engineering ideas and teams that do not have ideas yet were selected to participate in the incubator. Purposefully for the latter, our Partners have prepared the most interesting challenges in the engineering field.

The first Partner was MC "Alageum Electric" company represented by Board Chairman of MC GC “Alageum Electric” Stvayev Nurzhan Adasbayevich and HR Director of MC "Alageum Electric" Li Nataliya Nikolayevna.

The second Partner who provided us with their challenge to the solution was “Robosharing” company represented by CEO Panchenko Daniil Dmitriyevich.

The training and tracking will take place within a month. We are inviting all interested parties to Demo Day on July 2, where the teams will be demonstrating their prototypes and solutions.

The business incubator "Engineers of the Future" has started

The business incubator "Engineers of the Future" has started

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