29 march 2019 4144

The conference dedicated to Bayan Rakishev 's jubilee was held

The conference dedicated to Bayan Rakishev 's jubilee was held

Satbayev University hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Rational use of mineral and technogenic raw materials in Industry 4.0" on March 14-15, 2019. It was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Bayan Rakishevich Rakishev - a prominent scientist, teacher, experienced organizer of high school and science, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

127 reports from the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan were submitted to the five sections of the conference. The authors of the reports are leading scientists in the field of mining science, university professors, PhD students and undergraduates.

Within the framework of the conference, Academician of the NAS of RK, Professor of the Mining Department of Satbayev University, Rakishev B.R. was honored. Congratulations from the chairman of Mazhilis N. Nigmatullin, Akims of Karaganda, Kyzylorda regions and Almaty, ministers of foreign affairs, industry and infrastructure development, heads of leading universities and research institutes of the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, etc. were read.

Prof. K. Drebenshtedt from Germany announced the decision of the rector of the Technical University of Bergacademia Freiberg to confer on Professor Bayan Rakishev the title “Honorary Miner” for his special merits in the field of mining and international cooperation. He presented a personalized robe with a gold embroidered emblem of the university, with a personal number "11".

The conference participants were shown a video about Rakishev B.R. The anniversary events were held with the support of the sponsor of TNK Kazchrome JSC of the ERG Eurasian Group.

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