The conference devoted to renewable sources of energy was organized

With the aim of developing Kazakhstan-German relations in the field of energy K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University held an International Conference: "Kazakh-German cooperation in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources: experience and prospects" in November 20-21, 2018.
The conference was accompanied with informativebusiness program.
The day before the conference, in November 19, 2018, a round table was organized with administration of the Satbayev University, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan – Thomas Helm, General director of the RES Association of Kazakhstan – Arman Kashkinbekov and with Director of Association of Solar Energy – Aidan Kasymbekov. The meeting discussed the possibility of joint research activities in the field of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies, creation of a center for renewable energy sources, exchange of experiences, joint participation in research projects, internal and external academic mobility of students and teachers. As a result of the discussion, it was decided to sign the Memorandum of Cooperation.
In November 20, 2018, the opening of the International Conference took place where administration of Satbayev University and Nassipkul Dyussembekova - Professor of the Power Engineering Department reported their welcoming speech to the participants of the event. The following persons took part as speakers: Head of EXPO Department of the Renewable Energy Sources of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Berik Yerbossynov; General Director of “Energo Alem” LLP - Kenzhemurat Dukenbaev; General Director of RES Association of Kazakhstan - Arman Kashkinbekov; General Director of “Samruk Kazyna – United Green” LLP – Nurlan Kapenov; UNDP Representative - Valery Dvornikov; Representative of Schneider Electric –Yevgeny Gritsenko; Director of the Institute of Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering of AUPET - Almaz Saukhimov; Director of “Modern Innovative Technologies” LLP - Zhomart Mominbayev; Director of “Light Technologies” LLP - Galymzhan Abdykalykov; young and promising Start-upper - Tastanbekov Dias - General Director of “Akyl-D” LLP; Ashirbekov Ayan – General Director of “Kozmodrom” LLP as well as guests from Germany presented their reports: Professor TU Dresden – Matthias Kramer; Researcher TU Dresden – Boris Seidel; Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kazakhstan – Thomas Helm.
The conference was a kind of platform for the establishment of information exchange of the scientific community, the development of international cooperation, and the integration of Kazakhstan into the global scientific environment. Within the framework of the conference, the experience and results of scientific research in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources were highlighted. Leading scientists from abroad shared their research experience with the support of the German Ministry of Education and Science, spoke about the results of their work.
In November 21, 2018, the conference was continued for younger scientists. The reports of doctoral students and undergraduates of Kazakhstan and Germany were presented. The conference was held with the following sections:
1. The use of solar energy and improving the quality of energy supply;
2. Wind farms and energy efficient installations;
3. Small hydroelectric power stations and modeling of electrical networks.
According to the results of the conference, the collection of abstracts in the publications indexed in Kazakhstan and international scientific databases is foreseen.
In November 22, 2018, a tour of the renewable energy facilities in Almaty region was organized, where guests from Germany took part, including professors and doctoral students, undergraduates from TU Dresden, as well as teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates of Satbayev University. The following facilities were visited: Kapchagay solar power plant, Kapchagai wind power plant and Issyk hydroelectric station.
The conference was organized by K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Bassenov Insititute of Architecture, Civil and Power Engineering, Power Engineering Department, and Konrad Adenaur Foundation in Kazakhstan.