6 march 2023 2411

The Institute of Physics and Technologies continues cooperation with the JINR International Center in Dubna

The Institute of Physics and Technologies continues cooperation with the JINR International Center in Dubna

In mid-February 2023, Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology Abay Serikkanov, as part of the delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. The meeting was attended by leaders from the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Russia and the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in JINR.

The members of the delegation met with the leadership of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and its director Grigory Trubnikov. The parties discussed the development of cooperation and the possibility of joint research. The parties discussed and outlined steps for the Institute Physics and Technologies, a subsidiary of Satbayev University, to join the collaboration to conduct research on the extracted beams of the Nuclotron at new collider facilities and the Nuclotron. The guests spoke about their plans for the development of high-energy physics in Kazakhstan, and the Russian side shared information about the possibilities and progress in training personnel for Kazakh research centers.

At the end of the visit, the delegation met with physicists from Kazakhstan who improve their qualifications or work as part of JINR scientific teams. At the moment, Kazakhstan employees are involved in a large number of JINR scientific research on various topics from quantum field theory and the synthesis of superheavy elements to the development of semiconductor, scintillation and cryogenic detectors, the creation of new generation detection systems and the production of track membranes. Kazakhstanis are making a significant contribution to the creation of NICA, a new accelerator complex, an ion collider based on a nuclotron, designed to study the properties of dense baryonic matter, which will be commissioned in 2023.

«The scientific diaspora of Kazakhstan in our institute is almost 90 people, and we are proud of them. This is a very strong scientific team, » said Grigory Trubnikov.

The program of the visit also included a visit to the V.I.Veksler and A.M. Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics: PFR-2 installation; the V.P.Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, I.M.Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, the G.N.Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the M.G. Meshcheryakova Laboratory of Information Technologies. The guests got acquainted with the material and technical base of the laboratories and the capabilities of the Govorun supercomputer, the world's first hyperconverged complex for high-performance computing, which significantly speeds up complex calculations and accelerates the simulation of physical processes.

The Institute of Physics and Technology with Satbayev University, on the basis of which a new educational program "Nuclear Energy" was opened, will make every effort to develop high-energy physics and train young personnel in this field. Since the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is important for energy and ultimately for the future of the whole of Kazakhstan.

Физико-технический институт продолжает сотрудничество с Международным центром ОИЯИ в Дубне

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