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14 october 2022 3010

The meeting dedicated to university graduates’ employment at Satbayev University

The meeting dedicated to university graduates’ employment at Satbayev University

On October 13, Career Center organized deputy directors’ meeting with students who successfully graduated from Satbayev University Military Affairs Institute under reserve officers training program this year.

The meeting was opened by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Bakhyt Zhautikov, who told the students that they had a unique opportunity to get a job in security forces agencies at Republic of Kazakhstan and make a career as a military officer.

The meeting was attended by Deputy head of Border Service Department for Almaty and Almaty region, Colonel Arnur Munalbayev and the head of Recruitment department at Border Service Agency for Almaty and Almaty region, Major Islam Issayev.

During the meeting, the guests answered all the students' questions as well as invited Military Affairs Institute’s graduates to work.

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