24 november 2021 2700

The Mining and Metallurgical Institute invites you to open training in geomechanics

The Mining and Metallurgical Institute invites you to open training in geomechanics

The Mining and Metallurgical Institute informs that from November 16 to December 13, 2021, open lectures and master classes in the field of “Mathematical modeling of geomechanical processes: implementation of numerical methods using Rocscience software (RS2 and RS3)” are held for senior students, master students and doctoral students within the framework of the “Visiting Professor” program.

Organizer: Department of Mining.

Speakers: professors, doctors of technical sciences of the National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" Sdvizhkova Elena Aleksandrovna and Babets Dmitry Vladimirovich.

Time and place: daily at 124 GMK, from 17:30 to 20:00.

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