8 april 2022 2993

The President's messages were discussed at Satbayev University

The President's messages were discussed at Satbayev University

On April 6, a meeting with students was held at the university to discuss the Message of the Head of State K.Tokayeva to the people of Kazakhstan «New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization». The invited guest was a well-known scientist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Khankeldy Abzhanov.

In his speech dedicated to the message, Khankeldy Makhmutovich noted that he paid special attention to the «January event» and its analysis. The academician assessed the upcoming political reforms and answered numerous questions from students.

In addition to the invited guest, the meeting was attended by teachers of the Department of «Social Studies» - assistant Professor A.S.Murgabayeva, lecturer G.A. Abdikhaparova, assistant J. B. Zhimakhan.

Summing up the meeting, Professor of the Department of «Social Studies» Dosaly Salkynbek said that in order to implement the tasks outlined in the address, as the head of state noted, we need «unity, patience, justice and restraint». «Creating a new Kazakhstan» is our common task.

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