11 october 2023 1488

The staff of Satbayev University took part in the 4th International Seminar on ACeSYRI: Modern Experience for Graduate Students and Young Researchers

The staff of Satbayev University took part in the 4th International Seminar on ACeSYRI: Modern Experience for Graduate Students and Young Researchers

From September 25 to 29, Satbayev University employees working in the ACeSYRI project of the Erasmus+ program "Advanced Centre for PhD Students and Young Researchers in Informatics" took part in the 4th International Seminar on ACeSYRI: Modern Experience for Graduate Students and Young Researchers at the University of Lorraine.Nancy, France.

The seminar was opened with a welcoming speech by the director of ENSEM (UL), Professor Jean-Francois Petain, as well as project coordinators Elena Zaitseva and Vitaly Levashenko.

Professor Aigerim Yerimbetova made a presentation at the conference on "Hiding information in images using a neural network".

Adilkhan Simagulov made a presentation on "Operational mapping of salinization zones of agricultural fields using machine learning models based on low-altitude multispectral images"

Bayangali Abdygalym made a presentation on "Building the terminological core of NLP ontology".

At the end of the seminar, the project partners discussed their next steps, deepening the partnership between universities and spreading information about the project.

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