27 december 2023 3128

The year of creative initiatives: the year’s results were summed up in the interview with RK President’s Advisor - press secretary Berik Uali

The year of creative initiatives: the year’s results were summed up in the interview with RK President’s Advisor - press secretary Berik Uali

The given year has been full of changes for our country. Political and economic reforms are being carried out at the initiative of State’s Head. As it is known, they have already brought their results.

What events of 2023 will go down in the annals of history? What important decisions did President make and what initiatives did he take? All these questions were put to RK President’s Advisor - press secretary Berik Uali by Kazinform agency.

The interview covered all areas of President's activities, from global issues to personal ones. In 2023, RK President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made the following important decisions:

  • instructed the Government to ensure stable economic growth at the level of 6-7%;
  • signed 98 laws, 344 decrees, 91 orders;
  • visited the country’s 14 regions on working trips;
  • teachers' salaries have increased by 100%;
  • salaries of doctors increased by 30%, average medical staff - by 20%;
  • $13.3 billion of foreign direct investment has been attracted to the country;
  • made 19 foreign visits, held 30 meetings with foreign leaders.

Significant political and economic reforms are being implemented on the way to building Fair Kazakhstan. Learn more about them from Berik Uali's interview.

Read the interview on Kazinform website

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