4 march 2020 5961

There was a round table on " Time connecting thread: from Al-Farabi to Al-Mashani"

There was a round table on " Time connecting thread: from Al-Farabi to Al-Mashani"

On March 3, 2020, in honor of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nassyr Nasr al-Farabi,  A. Mashani Institute of Basic education of Satbayev University held a round table entitled " Time connecting thread: from al-Farabi to al-Mashani".

The round table was attended by Director of al-Farabi Center Meirbaev Bekzhan Berikbaevich, an expert in Farabi and Mashani works, associate professor of al-Farabi KazNU Sadakbayeva Gulsim Yedreskyzy, Professor of Surveying and Geodesy Department of Satbayev University, academician Nurpeyissova Marzhan Baysanovna.

The moderator of the measure Aliya Akatayeva noted that currently, the country’s modern youth has a growing interest in the historical past and national values as well. Among the actual topics of interest, there is also an issue related to meeting with well-known individuals. An outstanding scientist-encyclopedist, humanist, propagandist of scientific and technical knowledge, honored worker of Kazakhstan al-Mashani opened the name of al-Farabi to the world. In his research, A. Mashanov widely used and promoted knowledge of related sciences: geology, mechanics and mining.

Bekzhan Meiyrbayev underlined the symbolism of the event because the Institute of Basic education holds the name of Akzhan Mashani. A. Mashani started his research work in 1956 to study the heritage of al-Farabi.

The guest of the event, Professor of Surveying and Geodesy Department at  of Satbayev University, academician Nurpeyissova M. B. drew the participants’ attention to the necessity of opening the Akzhan Mashani center at University based on the scientist-geologist’s cabinet.

There was a round table on "Times from Al-Farabi to Al-Mashani"

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