22 may 2023 4009

"Ulytau is the cradle of Kazakhstan’s metallurgy" conference, dedicated to Ibragim Onayev, was held at Satbayev University

"Ulytau is the cradle of Kazakhstan’s metallurgy" conference, dedicated to Ibragim Onayev, was held at Satbayev University

On May 18-19, Polytech hosted "Ulytau is the cradle of Kazakhstan’s metallurgy" international scientific and practical conference dedicated to 110th anniversary of the birth of Kazakh SSR Honored Scientist, a corresponding member of Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Ibragim Abylgaziyevich Onayev.

Conference has not held for the first time and has become the center of attraction for metallurgists, production workers and representatives of government agencies who gathered together to form a strategy for Kazakhstan’s mining and metallurgical complex future development in the context of transforming the resource economy into the knowledge economy.

More than 100 people took part in the work, among them there were leading scientists and specialists of state universities, research institutes, enterprises and private companies from Republic of Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Israel, Russia and Kazakhstan. More than 70 reports were heard. Among the issues devoted to the key problems of the country’s mining and metallurgical complex and its transformation, a special place was given to topical issues of environmental protection and training of qualified personnel for production.

Plenary session was opened by Vice-rector for Corporate Development, Professor Yerzhan Kuldeyev, who gave the floor to "Aksakaldar Alkassy" Board Chairman Ulykpan Sydykov and Mayor of Zhezkazgan Kairat Shayzhanov, who joined the meeting online. Director of Satbayev University Mining and Metallurgical Institute was a moderator, Professor Kanai Rysbekov.

The eminent graduate of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing Department, now a member of Senators' Council at Parliament Senate, Professor Hussain Valiyev, highly appreciated the conference organization and gave a parting word to its participants:

- I was very pleased to see new faces at the conference, I saw their work, their speeches, — said Hussain Hassenovich. - I wish young scientists to dare and strive for the best. As the saying goes, the road is mastered by the walking, but the road also begins under the feet of the walking. You have taken the most important first step. Keep it up!

However, the conference organizers were able not just to take a big step into the future, but also to pay tribute to the glorious past. Conference is named after the Ulytau mountain range, which is located in the heart of Kazakhstan. It is not surprising that the given place has become the cradle of metallurgy in our country.

One of Kazakhstani metallurgical school’s founders was Professor Ibragim Onayev, a graduate of Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute, whose career began here - at the first non-ferrous metallurgy plant in Kazakhstan, Karsakbai copper smelter. The collected material and experience became the basis for outstanding scientific works - during his life, Ibragim Onayev created more than 300 scientific papers and monographs. His contribution to the study of metallurgy processes and ores of Central Kazakhstan has been repeatedly highly appreciated, and his name was listed in the Golden Book of Honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This approach was highly appreciated by the conference guests:

- A great event! - said ERG beneficiation engineer, Symbat Dyussenova. - I learned a lot about the professor, about his life. Such events contribute to the links between science and industry and give food for thought to our young colleagues and students, helping them to follow the path followed by eminent professors.

Conference ended with the round table dedicated to the transfer of innovations and scientific developments necessary to improve production efficiency. The presentations were made by Academician Sultanbek Kozhakhmetov, chief concentrator of Kazminerals Ulpan Dzhetybayeva and engineer of ERG Research Engineering Center LLP Symbat Dyussenova. After that, the guests moved on to the discussion, exchange of opinions and answering the questions.

Conference was held at the high professional level. Participants agreed that the transfer of innovations is an important tool for economic advancement. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to restore state funding for basic research, as well as cooperation between universities, subsoil users and processing enterprises. One of the first steps in the given direction can be regular "International Onayev Readings" that will support international collaboration in geology, mining, mineral processing, metallurgy and ecology spheres.

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