1 april 2022 2675

We remember! – Hydrogeology and Geoecology Institute named after U.M. Akhmedsafin has opened a memorial plaque to Academician Zhurymbek Sydykov

We remember! – Hydrogeology and Geoecology Institute named after U.M. Akhmedsafin has opened a memorial plaque to Academician Zhurymbek Sydykov

On April 1, the opening ceremony of the memorial plaque dedicated to the memory of Academician Zhurymbek Sydykovich Sydykov took place at Hydrogeology and Geoecology Institute named after U.M. Akhmedsafin.

The audience remembered this outstanding hydrogeologist, founder of hydro geochemical science, veteran of Great Patriotic War, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Akim of Almaty Yerbolat Dossayev and President of National Academy of Sciences Murat Zhurinov delivered welcoming speeches.

After the opening ceremony of the memorial plaque, Satbayev University Rector Meiram Begentayev took the floor.

— Today is a significant day not only for Kazakhstani hydrogeologists, but also for Satbayev University. We are proud that the name of Zhurymbek Sydykovich is inscribed in the history of our university, he said.

Институт гидрогеологии и геоэкологии имени У.М.Ахмедсафина открывает мемориальную доску  академика Журымбека Сыдыкова

Director of Hydrogeology and Geoecology Institute named after U.M. Akhmedsafin and Academician Malia Absametov, Professor Bayan Rakishev and chief researcher Metallurgy and Enrichment Institute, Academician Sultanbek Kozhakhmetov joined him.

Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan, laureate of State Prize of the Republic and K.I. Satbayev Prize, academician Zhurymbek Sydykovich Sydykov lived a bright and rich life of achievements. Despite the difficulties and injury in Patriotic War, which led to disability, he successfully graduated from Geological exploration faculty, conducted the first hydrogeochemical studies in Kazakhstan, developed new principles of hydrogeological mapping, and became the discoverer of large groundwater deposits in Western Kazakhstan, which are actively exploited today. Zhurymbek Sydykov became the author of 35 monographs and 720 journal papers on various areas of hydrogeological science, prepared a new shift of scientists, took part in solving the Caspian Sea problems; his work was rewarded a large number of awards.

His teachers and colleagues were famous scientists, academicians K.I.Satbayev, U.M.Akhmedsafin, N.A.Kenessarin and others, and his tireless work, dedication, talent of a scientist and leader deservedly inscribed him in the history of Satbayev University and Kazakh science.

Институт гидрогеологии и геоэкологии имени У.М.Ахмедсафина открывает мемориальную доску  академика Журымбека Сыдыкова

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