28 october 2022 2747

"Zhastyktyn alauyndai, zhurektyn kalauynda Dos-Mukassan" festival started at Satbayev University

"Zhastyktyn alauyndai, zhurektyn kalauynda Dos-Mukassan" festival started at Satbayev University

On October 28, D.Suleyev Center for Science and Culture at Satbayev University opened its doors for the first day of the all-Kazakhstan festival "Zhastyktyn alauyndai, zhurektyn kalauyndai Dos-Mukassan", dedicated to 55th anniversary of  Dos-Mukassan vocal and instrumental ensemble.

On this autumn day, more than twenty creative student groups from all over Kazakhstan gathered in the center of Almaty to perform and win the first place at the festival in honor of Dos Mukassan. Participants from Almaty, Semey, Kyzylorda, Karaganda and West Kazakhstan region gathered here.

The festival was opened with a welcoming speech by Murat Kussainov, who wished good luck to young musicians. Akzhol Meirbekov performed in the second part of the competition.

The competition was held in four categories: "Pop vocals" and "Dos Mukassan World Heritage" for vocalists, and "Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble" and "Modern arrangement" for collectives. The jury included the jury chairman Murat Kussainov, famous composers Beibit Oraluly and Daniyar Kussainov, the master of kobyz Gaziza Gabdrakhimovna and the poet Yerlan Dauletuly. The contest results will be announced at the festival's Gala Concert.

We would like to invite you to Gala concert and awarding of the festival winners, which will be held at Satbayev University, at D.Suleyev Center for Science and Culture (2nd floor, MMB), on October 29 at 18:00.

В Satbayev University начался фестиваль «Жастықтың алауындай, жүректің қалауында Дос-Мұқасан»

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