26 april 2019 6910

Deputies of Nur Otan Party visited Satbayev University

Deputies of Nur Otan Party visited Satbayev University

The meeting of Nur Otan Party’s deputies with Satbayev University Rector Iskander Beyssembetov and scientific intelligentsia was held at Digital Engineering and Technology Institute (IDET).

The first half of the meeting was devoted to project presentations - industry, IT and social ones. Chingiz Cherniyazdanov, Managing director for innovation at Satbayev University, told about successful industry initiatives. In particular, it was a joint venture of the university with ArselorMittal Gas Production Company. According to the speaker, work was carried out to form the necessary legislative support and obtain tax preferences for methane extraction. With Baker Hughes,  GE company (BHGE), Satbayev University employees organized a joint development regarding advanced technologies for a number of enterprises, an independent project expertise, reporting and other documentation, and conducted trainings on current geology and geophysics areas as well. The leading technical university of the country has prepared for JSC “Kazatomprom” masters in the uranium industry sphere, and helped to reduce uranium-mining cost price during underground well leaching. “Annually up to 2 million US dollars are spent at one uranium mine for chemical oxidants purchase. The technology allows to reduce costs at least five times,” said Mr. Cherniyzdanov.

Vladislav Kim, Managing Director for IT Projects at Satbayev University, presented INSIGHT technologies that enable to understand business needs and find proper solutions. According to him, INSIGHT technology research center’s team consists of three laboratories - design thinking, artificial intelligence and data analysis, as well as industrial design and digital production.

“For Satbayev University, we are training personnel for design thinking and designing artificial intelligence, for IDT, we are developing artificial intelligence tools and analytical systems for forecasting due to design thinking technology,” said Mr. Kim.

Evgeny Mukhamedzhanov, Managing Director for Finance and Marketing of IDT, highlighted social projects. He noted the creation of telemedicine devices and adaptive learning platforms.

“Developed at Satbayev University personalized heart condition monitoring device will benefit from cardiovascular diseases’ prevention. Adaptive learning platform will allow students to analyze knowledge level and interest in the subject in order to ensure individual selection of materials,” explained Mr. Mukhamedzhanov.

The excursion of Nur Otan party’s deputies at Satbayev University ended with their visit to FabLab laboratory, where they were shown «Qorg’ay ’» and «Portable Cardiac Analyzer» projects.

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