23 december 2021 5057

Our goal is the top 200 in the world: Satbayev University Board reported to the university staff

Our goal is the top 200 in the world: Satbayev University Board reported to the university staff

The legendary flagship of Kazakhstan's higher engineering and technical education, Polytech, has embarked on a further transformation into an international university, one of the top 200 universities in the world. The university administration announced it at the reporting meeting that was held in an expanded online format.

"I thank everyone for the support I have felt since the first days of work at the university," said University Rector Meiram Begentayev, for whom the given reporting meeting was the first one at a new workplace. - We still have a lot to do together. Our goals are ambitious. It cannot be otherwise, taking into account our status as National Research Technical University."

Ректор университета Мейрам Бегентаев

Rector noted that the outgoing year has become difficult, but at the same time interesting, thanks to the resumption of full-time work with students who have returned to the classroom as well as implementation of all the tasks assigned to the university.

Polytechnic University has again proved the high quality of its educational programs, effectiveness of which was confirmed by international ratings that gave Satbayev University 501-510 place in QS.

In order to become the center of engineering education and research in Kazakhstan, University has moved to creating a modern academic, research ecosystem integrated into the economy of regions. University revived the training of personnel in "Hydrogeology and engineering geology" specialty, and expanded mutually beneficial cooperation with the manufacturing sector, in particular, in oil-gas production and exploration field. The work was started with the regions, memoranda were signed with Zhambyl, Pavlodar, West Kazakhstan and other oblasts.

Проректор по академическим вопросам Бахыт Жаутиков

In 2021, 32 additional educational programs were opened, including 19 Bachelor's programs, 8 Master’s programs, and 5 Doctorate ones. The number of accredited educational programs has been increased to 99.

 Major and Minor programs provisions were updated, draft provisions for pre-Bachelor's, pre-Master's, pre-Doctorate were developed to increase the share of PhD to 10%. University’s pilot project for pre-Doctorate was noted by RK MES Minister.

The academic degree holders rate at the university was increased from 46% to 56.1%, academic work was sharply intensified, English language courses for university staff were restored.

For the first time in the university’s history, the aksakals were involved in its work due to Satbayev University Council of Rectors that unites all ex-rectors of the university, and "Aksakaldar Alkassy" unique project, which brought together famous scientists and teachers working at the university for more than 30 years. The experience and knowledge of these respected people helps the management to more accurately determine University's development strategy and support the historical genetic code of the country's first technical university.

At the same time, University has ambitious goals, especially in the field of research activities, on the indicators of which the achievement of the main goal of Satbayev University Development Program - entering the top 200 in QS rating by 2026 largely depends.

One of the strategic indicators of National Project "Quality Education “Educated Nation" approved by the State Head in October is the entry of the country’s three universities into the top 200. The main indicator of achieving the mentioned goal is the involvement of at least 70% of the teaching staff in research activities.

Проректор по науке и международному сотрудничеству Алибек Шокпаров

To achieve these indicators, Satbayev University Science Department minimized all business processes, taking over the paperwork, providing the work in the service format through "one window" principal. Further steps will be aimed at enhancing the scientific activity at University. Already in January 2022, a competition for 10 internal grants for scientific research in the amount of at least 5 million tenge will be initiated and held.

University has already started developing a comprehensive program to support young scientists, within which a scholarship program and other measures of social and scientific support will be created. In order to improve the indicators of publication activity and motivation of employees, the university adopted Regulation on remuneration for publication in highly rated journals. The practice of remuneration for creating the intellectual property objects will be introduced, especially for patents that have practical application and economic efficiency.

The work on patents that can form the basis of high-tech business is not only one of University priorities, but also forms the basis for improving the living conditions of employees at the university. So Satbayev University is already using polymer concrete and fiber concrete mixture technologies in the manufacture of gearboxes and pumps. The production of concrete products using a superplasticizer based on MEI has been started. University uses furniture made at university TPC. But most importantly, all these products are already in demand on the market.

Satbayev University is actively working on creating the Unified Geological Survey of Kazakhstan, where, as its main operator, it will collect, digitalize and update all available geological and geophysical information. The work has already begun on "Smart Jer" - "Egov for subsoil users and investors" project on the principle of a single window.

In addition to practical implementation of scientific discoveries, University pays great attention to scientific discussion and publication activity of teachers. The opening of 2 new international scientific journals of Satbayev University is planned for 2022.

The main KPI of Satbayev University development strategy in the research field will be an increase in funding above 2 billion tenge, which as a result will entail an increase in the number of publications Q1, Q2 to three hundred articles and an increase in the number of doctoral students from the total number of students to 10%.

In addition to improving the efficiency of internal scientific work, University plans to increase the effectiveness of international cooperation and strengthen the recruitment of leading foreign professors (with Hirsch index of 5 or higher) to work on priority educational programs. To familiarize students with the best practices, it is planned to attract professors, including from universities in Europe and the USA.

For the greatest efficiency of the university, it is necessary to digitalize all business processes. Active work is being done on this issue by collecting and optimizing business processes, improving IT infrastructure, integrating all university platforms, as well as introducing the new programs and services.

Проректор по корпоративному развитию и стратегическому планированию Ержан Кульдеев

Digitalization affects all aspects of the university's work, making them more advanced and efficient. So, in 2021, University introduced for the first time a direct feedback system in the format of SU Solutions mobile application, which makes it possible to immediately bring to the attention of administartion any problems that arise.

The management meets most of the wishes from employees, due to their submission, for example, the norms of time and calculation related to the workload were changed, the given workload includes the management of theses and projects, Master's and Doctorate dissertations, management of all types of practices and advisory work.

In addition to timely problem solving, the administration supports trade union movement growth within the university walls. The purpose of this work is high-quality care about university employees, starting from health, work regulations, ending with service and comfort. The work is underway on a collective agreement, which will include one of the best social packages among the republic universities. A polyclinic was built on the university territory that is ready to receive teachers and students within its walls.

Major changes have been made to the financial planning system. Now the budget is being formed from the bottom up based on applications from the heads of institutes, departments and divisions.

The expenses of the university were optimized, which allowed to increase the salaries of university employees, salary increment process will begin in stages from 2022. Optimization of expenses and competent work with sponsors allowed to re-equip many premises of the university, to modernize the university and repair work in public catering outlets. As of today, more than 60,000 m2 of the university's premises have been renovated. The work is underway to create a coworking center and a sports complex, and to re-equip all utility core at Satbayev University.

The work of Kassym Yelemessov and Kanai Rysbekov was especially noted, thanks to whose work the repair of Heating hull became possible. The work of Askar Syzdykov, who is leading the work on restoration of the training ground in Kapchagai, was also noted.

Проректор по социально-культурному развитию Мансур Алимханов

In 2021, the work on the revival of student self-government began at Satbayev University. In November, the first online elections of Student Dean's office were held that affects the solution of all issues concerning students, including:

  • Allocation of funds for youth organizations and student events;
  • Allocation of places in dormitories;
  • Solving the issues related to academic failure and academic integrity violations;
  • Support of student organizations.

University has an active student life, Creative Center, Kazakh and Russian KVN teams, "Technocrat" debate club, which occupy leading positions among the country's teams.

Satbayev University conducts active social and sports work as well. Orphaned, disabled and homeschooled students receive social support in the form of monetary compensation for food and clothing and a discount on tuition fees. People with hearing and vision disabilities are paid an allowance of 75% to scholarships, students in need are provided with free accommodation in a hostel.

The work with physical development of employees is planned for 2022: plans are provided for preparation for the next presidential tests, as well as awards for achievements at Presidential and National levels.

Management Board Chairman – Satbayev University Rector Meiram Begentayev, as well as Management Board members, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation Alibek Shokparov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Bakhyt Zhautikov, Vice-Rector for Corporate Development and Strategic Planning Yerzhan Kuldeyev and Vice-Rector for Socio-Cultural Development Mansur Alimkhanov, presented a report on the past year results and the program for Satbayev University’s future development. An open microphone was organized at the end of the meeting. The solemn part at the end of the meeting was dedicated to 30th anniversary of our state’s Independence as well as awarding of the university staff.

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