30 november 2021 3404

Satbayev University has expressed its condolences on the death of Professor Raisa Kazova

Казова Раиса Ашимовна

Kazova Raisa Ashimovna

13.02.1936 - 20.11.2021

We sadly inform, that on November 20th 2021 wonderful human being, kind, intelligent, deeply respected scientist and pedagogue – doctor of chemical sciences, professor, academician of IAIN passed away.  

The whole bright life of Raisa Ashimovna is a great diligence, deep knowledge and all around interests, love to people, best human qualities and specific philosophy of life.

Raisa (Raykhan) Ashimovna was born in Almaty on February 13th of 1936. In 1954 she graduated with a distinction from female Almaty school. In 1959 she graduated from Kazakh polytechnic institute (KazPTI) with a degree in “Metallurgy of light, rare and precious metals” with qualification of a metallurgical engineer and continued her studies in specialization “Automation of metallurgical processes”. In KazPTI she passed the school of spectacular scientists like academician V.D.Ponomarev, academician Y.A.Buketov, professors A.B.Reziyakov, L.G.Gulnitskyi, A.A.Geskin, B.A.Bedelbayev, G.B.Begalieva, Z.T.Fateeyeva, etc.

From 1960 her industrial activity had started as a master of CTI of chemical department of Balkhash mining and metallurgical plant (BMMP). In 1962 she was chosen as a delegate of XIV congress of ALCYU from city of Balkhash (Karaganda region).

Scientific activity is related to academical insititutes: Chemical-metallurgical institute (CMI) named after Y.A.Buketov and institute of chemical sciences (ICS) of  A.B.Bekturov (1964-1996).

Scientific-pedagogical activity continued in Kazakh National Technical University (KazNTU) named after K.I.Satpayev, where she was invited by academician E.M.Shaykhutdinov in 1996 as a professor.   

In 1972 defense of dissertation for the degree of a Candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Hydrochemical autoclave alkaline method of obtaining trisodium phosphate” on a specialized council of ICS AS of KazSSR.

Tests of research results were conducted on phosphorus plants of the Southern Kazakhstan: DIU “Khimprom” (Taraz city), “Nodphos” (Taraz city), SIU “Phosphor” (Shymkent city), under scientific supervision of doctor of technical sciences M.N.Kazov.

In 1990 defense of dissertation for the scientific degree of a Doctor of technical sciences on the topic: “Theoretic and  technological bases of thermochemical processing of natural and granulated raw materials in conditions of a mobile layer”. 

Scientific interests of a professor Kazova R.A. include the development of theoretical and technological bases of purification of phosphate solutions from impurities.

In 1994 Kazova R.A. received the title of an academic professor.

Industrial ecology issues associated with neutralization and disposal of technogenic  raw materials of phosphorus industry were used in many scientific topics at the department “Industrial ecology and safety” in its “Alma Mater” – Kazakh National Technical university named after K.I.Satpayev, where scientific activity was combined with pedagogical.   

Raykhan Ashimovna introduced her scientific knowledge into lecture materials for engineer-ecologists in three languages.

Author of more than 350 scientific and methodological works, including 5 monographs, 15 copyright certificates, pre-patent of RK, presenter of  numerous  scientific reports  on International symposia, forums, All-Union and republic scientific-technical conferences – Portoroz (Slovenia), Tehran (Iran), Kiev, Lviv (Ukraine), Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Perm, Ufa, Luga (Russia), Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Minsk (Belarus), Riga (Latvia), Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent, Taraz, etc.    

Professor Kazova R.A. actively participated in the preparation of high qualification personnel. Under her scientific supervision 7 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended, one of them by the citizen of Israel. Students of Professor Kazova R.A. work in a various fields of science and technology.   

For her long-term scientific work Kazova R.A. was awarded the Certificate of Honor of Academy of Sciences of KazSSR, for her scientific-pedagogical activity was awarded the Certificate of Honor of Ministry of Environmental protection and Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, medal of distinction “Veteran of Labor”. 

Mother and grandmother, mentor and pedagogue, scientist, noble and intelligent person  – our Raykhan Ashimovna – will always remain in our hearts.

Colleagues and students

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