1 june 2020 6216

The labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: where to study?

The labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: where to study?

In light of the events of 2020 and changes in the labor market, the choice of a future profession has become more important than ever. Recruitment specialists around the world note a sharp reduction in projects, lower salaries, and an increase in the number of remote employees. Therefore, Google and Facebook extended the remote mode of operation until 2021. Twitter not just canceled almost all business trips and events but also allowed its employees to work from home even after quarantine.

In addition, according to forecasts, many people will face the problem of finding a job by the end of the year. Redundancies will primarily affect office workers but will not affect highly deficient specialists, such as highly qualified engineers. This confirms the opinion of Yulia Astanina, head of the ANCOR Central Asia team of consultants:

Юлия Астанина«The current situation is a challenge for all companies. There was a need in the shortest possible time to transfer all business processes to a remote format, to rearrange work schedules, and develop programs for staff involvement. Such challenges as the litmus test show the strengths and weaknesses of the business. Most organizations will draw conclusions and follow new strategies, for example, they will be ready to ‘go’ online fully or partially. If we talk about popular specialties, it is necessary to underline that from year to year we mark the popularity of sales specialists, IT specialists, engineers, administrative staff, and even in the current realities, the picture has changed slightly. Production companies are continuing to operate and recruit staff. The staff is in demand for such positions as production managers, specialists in production planning, and procurement planning.”

Apart from the requirements dictated by the companies' transition to a remote work format, the growing demand for technical specialists is also connected with the interest of our state in them.

Kazakhstan is in the process of industrialization and digitalization, the work is actively going on within the framework of the “Digital Kazakhstan” and the “Plan of 100 concrete steps” programs. As a result, the country is experiencing an acute shortage of professional engineers. In order to provide the industry with qualified specialists, the Government of Kazakhstan allocated over 24 thousand state grants for technical specialties in 2020. At Satbayev University, grants are for the best students who are ready for a successful career in science and industry.


All doors are open for such students after graduation. Satbayev University graduates are especially valued in manufacturing companies focused on modern technology. For several years, according to the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA-Ranking) estimation, our university has been ranked first based on employers’ reputation assessment.

In 2019, Satbayev University headed National (General) Rating of the best technical universities in Kazakhstan, confirming the high quality of education and the prospects that the country's oldest technical university provides.

90% of our university graduates find a job within a year after graduation and succeed in career. The monthly income of a university graduate ranges from 70-350 thousand tenge depending on the skills and specialization. Especially high salaries are in the financial and oil sectors.

For example, the salary of representatives of “Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis” specialty that is unique for Kazakhstan, reaches up to $ 2000 per month, and the job in this direction makes it possible to become the head of the financial department and to be among the top managers in their country or abroad.

Engineers with work experience in production are especially appreciated and they rapidly move up the career ladder so Satbayev University students undergo practical training during their last academic year.

The university has 460 agreements with base organizations. These are Kazptomprom, KazTransOilGas, Kazmunaigas, Schlumberger, BakerHughes, and other enterprises of world significance. 88% of the students are employed at the enterprises where they had an internship. Some Bachelor graduates continue their studies at the Master's level or receive a second specialty developing their career at the same time.

However, to make a career in a short period, one must have a penchant for the chosen profession. Most teenagers' aptitude for mathematics and physics is easily determined during school studies, but choosing a lifetime profession is much more difficult. According to studies, annually about 70% of school graduates in Kazakhstan find it difficult to choose a profession and 50% of university graduates do not work by profession but continue finding themselves.

To prevent such a situation, it is important to plan your career already at the stage of entering the university. First, you need to understand: you are a physicist or a lyricist. If you have a penchant for technology, are confident in the decision made, and are ready to connect your destiny with high-tech sectors of the economy, an interesting and useful 3D navigator developed by Satbayev University will help you decide on a profession.

Focus on your inner state, respond intuitively and spontaneously, and the test will do the rest.

Тэги: Entrance
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