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The international cooperation
Cooperation with
15 educational programs
30 educational programs
64 educational programs
21 educational programs
Training of highly qualified specialists for production
Satbayev University is the largest scientific and methodological center in Kazakhstan developing exceptional training programs for specialists for the needs of industry, complex projects, and to create teams of excellent professionals
Training of corporate clients
Training of promising employees in Bachelor, Master's and Doctorate programs with a company’s investment reimbursement guaranteeRefresher training courses
Advancing the unique refresher training courses for novices, professionals and production teamsKAZATOMPROM
Vocational training for the uranium industry employees from “Kazatomprom” official partnerDiscoveries are the style of our work
Satbayev University is the largest scientific and educational complex in Kazakhstan with a well-developed infrastructure of scientific and innovative research and high-precision production.
The innovative ecosystem created based on the complex, provides the university with a high rate of technological development.
Fab-Lab Production Laboratory
Learn More261 funded projects as well as scientific and technical programs
Learn MoreThe university offers scientific support to enterprises and assistance in searching funding for research and start-ups.
We offer:
Unique scientific research for legal entities
Assistance in launching high-tech start-ups for scientists
Satbayev University
Graduates are a special pride of Satbayev University. During its history, the legendary Polytech has released thousands of talented engineers and today the base of Satbayev University graduates has over 50 thousand names. Join the alumni community, meet old friends, and express your opinion. We are waiting for you!
To the communitySuleyev Dosym Kasymovich
After finishing school in 1965 in Kentau, I firmly decided to enter the Technical Institute. During
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